UD2.208 (Decroly) Macros Gone Wild: The Usage of the C Preprocessor in the Linux Kernel Diomidis Spinellis 09:30 10:00 Janson GIMP 3 and beyond Jehan 10:00 10:50 K.3.401 PipeWire state of the union Wim Taymans 10:20 11:00 K.3.401 FFglitch: the multimedia bitstream editor Ramiro Polla 11:00 11:40 Janson The Road to Mainstream Matrix Matthew Hodgson 12:00 12:50 UB4.136 Error correction for Dragon Quest passphrases Rapzhaƫl Zumer 13:15 13:25 K.4.401 Qlafoutea: Baby steps towards compiling a programming language to analog quantum computer David "Yoric" Teller 13:25 13:45 K.4.401 No-one used my software: a tale of quantum software engineering Aleksander Wennersteen 13:50 14:10 K.1.105 (La Fontaine) Anecdotes from 25 years of FOSDEM FOSDEM Staff Main Track - K Building 14:00 14:30 K.1.105 (La Fontaine) Group photo: 25 years of FOSDEM shirts FOSDEM Staff Main Track - K Building 14:30 14:50 K.4.401 Quantum Distance Bounding: Advancing Secure Proximity Kevin Bogner 15:05 15:25 H.2215 (Ferrer) FOSDEM infrastructure review Richard "RichiH" Hartmann 16:30 16:45 Janson Ten Years as a Free, Open, and Automated Certificate Authority Photo of Josh AasJosh Aas Sunday 17:00 - 17:50 Janson Janson Closing FOSDEM 2025 Photo of FOSDEM StaffFOSDEM Staff, Photo of Richard Richard "RichiH" Hartmann Sunday 17:50 - 18:15 Janson VODs: ----------- UD2.208 (Decroly) Level up your linux gaming: how sched_ext can save your fps Andrea Righi 12:30 13:10 K.3.201 Piracy, and Open Source: Reimagining Creativity Zekun Yang 15:00 15:25 UB4.136 Raiders of the lost hard drive Michal Pleban 15:20 15:35 UB4.136 Writing a dynarec, step by step Paul Cercueil 16:35 16:55